eeyore monologue

Alexa is always listening. That spells Tigger. Monster. Required fields are marked *. This isnt just for us, its for our future. Quarantine? I know that shell be really disappointed, and I am too, in myself. (beat) No, I do not stroke it with one hand while laughing madly. Well, welcome to my world. (beat) Stop saying Im the bad guy! The first time I remember being physically hurt I was probably 7 or 8, and I was on a bicycle. I hope you realize that Faith brings nothing to the table when it comes to a musical. Well, I dont think I need to say. (falls dramatically to the floor) I thought you loved me. Quick, turn the page. Lets just cut this short okay. It almost looked like our brains were going to explode out of our heads! It consists of inner speech, where you can "hear" your own voice play out phrases and conversations . You probably read that. I have lots of experience with kids, so I know what to do when they misbehave. I have my own chauffer and personal stylist. [Piglet] Yes, oops. Help me get out of this mirror! Low and behold, she heard me and looked at the mirror. Are you still scared about tomorrow? Will you marry me? By: Jefferson T., Cupertino, California, Age 16 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A young man reminisces about his friend Sadako, and the thousand paper cranes she folded during the Atomic age. Honestly, this wasnt what I was expecting. But it was not my fault or the poor linguinis fault. (reporting excitedly) You are going to have 100,000 tons of ice in a week! I never assaulted or harassed anyone at any time. Seriously. You you think Im pretty? He said, Sweetie Ive enrolled you in college. Ive adored the little rascals since I could say the word. I plan on paying them a little visit. By: Ruby Whitehorn, Age 17, Michigan, USA Description: Nationally ranked high school basketball player struggles with making the decision to confess using steroids for the championship game. What, those are already getting outdated? You want to know what I thought of last nights episode of Greys Anatomy? I thought it would take longer for you to arrive. Genre: Dramatic, (Actor sits in a chair as though he/she is on the witness stand being questioned by the prosecutor.). By: Drew Evans, Age 12, Austin, TX, USA Description: A kid playing baseball gets confused after catching a home-run baseball. To be honest, you guys are just reopening those wounds. Did you hear that? What happened to us? Mom, theres something I need to tell you. Hes typing!! I wonder who he is. (pauses, looks at groom) I love him. Jessie! I know youre probably wondering why Im drenched in coffee, so Ill start from the beginning. Le discours de Mark Anthony devant les habitants de Rome dans Jules Csar de Shakespeare est un monologue clbre en littrature. Wasnt even saying anything clever Anyway, why Im here today is no laughing matter. Third Place Winner! Good god woman! Claudia: (Yelling) Im not going to tell the police what happened Jayla! I watched her in silence for a moment. (Rolls the window up, and resumes talking to friend on speakerphone.) Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN! And I was always the one to clean up the mess. He especially likes to pick on smart kids, and Im telling you this because I can already tell that you are smart. You and Papa, but Papa looked different now. But in the midst of all excitement Eeyore stubbornly stuck to his task of house hunting for Owl. Couldnt you see my little Ricky with his wide eyes and crazy raven hair as he munched on some dry bread next to a busty middle aged teacher? Most surprising of all though, people started whipping out their money to buy the tickets from ME. I know, I know. This paper that will destroy my GPA. I know I`m young, I cant talk a lot of English, Pero yo entiendo, but I can understand it. Genre: Comedic I cant swim and you want me to go on a boat in the MIDDLE of the ocean. A student sits at a desk, agonizing over a blank piece of paper. Shhhh. I wish I was scared of the dark. For years just the thought of it gave me nightmares. By: Rebecca S., Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Age 17 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen expresses her feelings about her best friend. Yeah, theres all kinds of scuses for whippin me. Dangit. Rabbit: When you bounced Eeyore into the river! What was it you ask? They werent always like this. Second Place Winner! (Angrily) And you want to know why we lost, Jack? It contains three featurettes: "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree", "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day", "Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too", along with a "We Say Goodbye" scene. Do your parents make you listen to their music? I looked at her and told her in the nicest way ever Leave now, your fired. Then she looked at me like nothing and threw that coffee right at my face. Thats what my mom says anyway. The man I knew was short-tempered, distant and narcissistic. Hes my prince, for sure but am I his princess? And it hummed something like this: It looks like a rather blustery day, today. (On phone.) [Rabbit] What a refreshing day for harvesting. Something to do with well, never mind. It feels like a perfect fit. In this monologue hes talking to Jason, his best friend, about an important decision that lie ahead: Stay in the now and accept what you have, or leave this world behind for the unknown.Jason, I want to ask you something. Mine do. Woohoo! But his best friend is a bear named Winnie the Pooh or Pooh for short. Dry as a whistle. I didnt talk when we first met, I felt weird with strangers in my house. You know he wont like you back. Since the bears house, Ive stayed in some of the finest places in the world! I can sit here, and I can meow for hours, knowing shes right inside. (Not convincing, they turn to new tactics.) One day though, Im gonna fly. By: Amber Rothberg, Massachusetts, USA Age 13 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A teenager tells her therapist about the day her sister disappeared. I am what I appear to be. Im not an armrest, IM A HUMAN BEING! Hey, Mom! Hes crying. Mom? I know it isnt worth this much energy and anxiety, but I cant stop. I really am innocent. He was being serious, that wasnt a compliment! Shoot. He wanted above all, like the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawnof the house. My coach knows, my teammates know, my friends know, social media knows, and worst of all, my friends and family know. You have the liberty of not worrying about whether your mom will come home. Look how interesting this pencil looks when I twirl it. And they just dumped me, thats right, dumped me for that ugly, smelly, poop machine. And in high school, the bullying got worse. (pause) Oh, I cant complain to him! So she made her sisters stop and take pictures of her. Symposium? She likes this one band, Nirvana, and I swear you cannot understand a single word they are singing. You know, just to ask them a few questions like wheres the nearest hardware store, oh and if Theo has any cameras at his house. Eeyore: That's right. You need to pay me now! Excuses, excuses. Well, not any more than the next person, I guess. I opened the windows and watered your plants. (turns back around) Snickerdoodles. I love a guy in uniform. I dropped it on the other side, and it came out on this side. Poem Analysis, But you would, wouldnt you? Vote for Rose if youre content. And being in good spirits, I went home and gave one of the tickets to my newly 18-year-old brother, absolutely free. (pause) Right, plus what I had morning. He looks like my aunt Sharon who used to look really old, but had her face lifted up and now she looks surprised all the time. You say Im just some kid, I say I have fourteen years of life experience, thank you very much, and when Im elected? Fine she- (turns around and starts to talk to the friend but stops themselves and turns back around) Did you see that? There, feeling better? I tell her that I miss the days when I didnt have to go to school. His Wikipedia page is half that many pages, and that has pictures and headings and stuff! You see, I know youre most likely confused right now and to that I say youre hugging the tight rope as you exist in this world. So howre you feeling today? That feels right to me. I could tell by the way the gravel crunched under his feet that he was drunk. This is an unclear description and one that is not expanded on in the next lines. Fun. Ill make them feel loved. Mr. Narrator: Now the Hundred Acre Wood boasted many natural wonders, but none was more beautiful than a tiny stream running through the forest. But as I got older, I let go of that fearor so I thought. (yawns) I am not tired! Maybe the app and the computer are working together. [Owl] Then to divert your small mind from your unfortunate predicament I should tell you an amusing antidote. It was the day before Valentines Day, and we were making chocolate dipped strawberries when we invited your family over. No ones ever told me Im ugly. I could tell you all about my experience in the JROTC. My mom always used to say, Lizzie you need to make friends, Lizzie you cant sit inside and read all day. Why not? I know I made a huge mistake that could cost hundreds of lives, but if I can fix it, then its not the end of the world. He tried to jump on me when I got to the top, but I got out of the way. Some girls like to think that they can be special snowflakes, but theyre all idiots! By: Konrad Poniatowski, Age 12, Pennsylvania USA Description: The Wolf from the Three Little Pigs complains to his cellmate in jail. Just because were different colors and we speak different languages, doesnt mean either of us is better than the other. 3. I grabbed my lunch, and my dad yelled goodbye and just like always, he says, Dont do anything stupid. Its like my old mans motto, and normally, I dont listen. Okay. (Imitating children.) Hi, um I know, I know. You know another thing? When I come back above ground, I transform into the Goddess of Spring. Disney, All Rights Reserved, Disney Entertainment, Life Advice with Eeyore | Winnie The Pooh | Oh My Disney, The Most Under-Appreciated Disney Characters | Let's Talk Disney by Oh My Disney. By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada Description: A straight-A student finds themself in detention Genre: Comedic. Elroy comes up to me and says, Howd you like to be the coolest kid in school? Move out of my way, I tell him, but he says, No, really. and so I ignored it. Im constantly blowing my money on repairs for my house, because its always rotting away. Yes sure do, well I'd better bounce along now chum. When I became Miss Fortune I promised myself that I would always look at each contestant through the eyes of a girl whos desperate shyness hides her opulent confidence to take control and get what she wants. Third Place Winner! I really need to get some sleep, its so late. But she insisted that it was all just coincidence and Jessica said that she would help me cover the cost of the dress. When I up, down, touch the ground Maybe I let him watch too much TV I woke up the other night, with the feeling of being watched. Shes no hero, none of us are, were all just dying in our own ways. What do you mean he said, youre the light of his world? Shes always supported my love of theater and to be honest I wouldnt be where I am without her. Then you made me laugh and after that you always came back. No, no, to the right, yes. No, I loved dinner. I will stick to my own. And I cant even live in this house anymore, because its so full of his memories, full of the things that we did together. I have dreams. I mean, its not even for me. If I wanted my grass to be used for a whistle, I would have made it a whistle. I went up to the counter to pay. But what did you give us in return? [Pooh] Oh yes, that reminds me, happy Windsday Owl! I mean look at me! Featured Videos 1:05 Life Advice with Eeyore | Winnie The Pooh | Oh My Disney 2:31 Eeyore's tail Video See All Check out your favorite Eeyore clips 1:49 2:31 2:01 0:45 5:15 2:29 If you could just look up and see me for who I am: your staunchest supporter, your most faithful ally, your greatest resource. Then my mom said that she wasnt his mother and it was time to cut the apron strings. Maybe it wasnt the worst thing, hope is hope right? How could he do this to me? Yeah and also, its true that I ran for Student Council last year but there was a miscommunication. [Gopher] That supercilious scoundrel confiscated my honey! She said if my reflection had pulled me in, maybe she could pull me out. Second Place Winner By: Jessie Stevenson, Age 13, California. Always knew it would." The Tigger Movie "Most likely he's stuck. Second Place Winner By: Yulianis Pesante Quinones, Age 14, Virginia, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen reflects on the concept of darkness. I felt out of place. I thought only bad kids had those. You like to believe that people think youre a little miss pink perfect cake pop doll, but youre not that. What? By: Clara Fields, Age 15, Iowa, USA Description: A teen relates to her mother what summers were like before a global pandemic. (Speaks like talking to a dog) Good boy. She says they sound like embryos trying to put on a concert. You arent his medication, so stop acting like some prized jewel that cant shatter to the ground. The monsters who hide curled up in a beautiful skin. I know what you guys are all thinking, just pretend to be sick. Rabbit: All right, now the first stick to pass all the way under the bridge wins. So, every day, the class would figure out what language it was, type it into google translate, and read the instructions. Unlike you, I dont want to go to jail. I work hard to be funny, but to not be known as the funny friend. I work hard to be sporty, but not too sporty, to be artsy but not too artsy, to be quirky but to make sure that my quirks are normal. Ha! Its always, When Emily was your age, she already, or maybe if you just follow what Emily does, you would do it right. I am sick and tired of always being compared to her. Do you even eat? thin. There's Rabbit and Piglet and there's Owl, but most of all Winnie the Pooh The poor thing spent her last months folding and folding and folding. Yeah, I know. By: Jordan Onyia, Age 10, Newfoundland, Canada Description: Godzilla is looking for a little understanding as he apologizes for his actions. Did I get your tail on properly Eeyore? My mum told my stepdad to pull into this gas station, stretch our legs and chill out a bit. And that someone is [Piglet] Oh, isn't that wonderful. Genre: Dramatic. Needless to say, youre officially out of gum, unless you count the piece stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Anyway, we always got caught, and we always got in trouble, but that didnt stop us. Have you seen Piglet? We gathered the best quotes from the lovable character and cant wait to hear more in Disneys Christopher Robin, streaming now on Disney+! Lets take a moment to thank Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh for his inspiring introspection, complete with delightful humor and iconic witticisms. I was going to be a movie star! Well, I walked into the bathroom to do my lady things and after I came out, I noticed something on my blanket. Im glad that sought me out to wish me a happy birthday, Kendra. I thought you said you brought me a present. I grabbed my board and tried to pull myself onto it, but it was too late. We could cause a power outage! But like most people, I couldnt afford the copay, the waitlist was pages long, and I quickly became discouraged. I mean what else are you supposed to do when the most attractive guy you know finally gives you the time of day? Second Place Winner! To make yeast, you ferment sugar found in fruits, like grapes. Dont think Im not proud of you love, our country needs you. Where you can & quot ; the Tigger Movie & quot ; hear & ;! Need to say in Disneys Christopher Robin, streaming now on Disney+ Mark Anthony les... That shell be really disappointed, and I quickly became discouraged come back above ground, let... Love him convincing, they turn to new tactics., like grapes ; most likely he #... Most people, I dont listen, happy Windsday Owl dad yelled and. 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